Overseas Patients

As you know, we provide free healthcare to everyone seen in our emergency department, and for maternity services. However, for patients not ordinarily resident in the UK, there is a charge for all other treatment.

As a trust, we have a statutory obligation to identify those patients who should pay for NHS treatment.

We have a number of ways in which we identify patients who may need to pay and we will ask those patients for proof of identity – for example those who have recently moved to the UK, or patients with newer NHS numbers.

You will be likely to be asked for proof of identity if you:

  • Are newly registered at the practice
  • Do not have an NHS number
  • Have an overseas address
  • Have an NHS number of 650 or above and are over the age of 20

The NHS website has more information about why we are required by law to ask for proof of identity before treatment, and contact details for patients to ask questions and share any concerns with our overseas team.

For further information or support please contact the overseas team on: 01438 288469 or email the team at: nhsentitlement.enh-tr@nhs.net.